And this is how they make it. (It’s easy!)

Chinese Crispy Pork Belly recipe

In my humble opinion, the Chinese are the undisputed king of two things: crispy duck and crispy pork belly. It’s unlikely that I will ever share a proper Peking Duck recipe because it’s too hard to make properly in an ordinary home kitchen. Pork belly, on the other hand, is totally doable. That juicy, seasoned flesh. But mostly, it’s all about…..

The best crackling in the world

Chinese pork belly crackling is, in my humble opinion, the best crackling in the world. With the signature puffy bubbles all over, this Pork Belly Crackling is crispy and crumbly in a way that you will never achieve on a pork roast, even pulling out all the secret crackling tips. That’s what makes Chinese Crispy Pork Belly so sought after. The reason why the best Chinese BBQ meat shops have queues around the block on weekends. And today, my friends, you’re going to see how easy it is to make your own Chinese pork belly that comes out looking just like this ↓↓↓.

The secret to the best pork belly in the world

And here are the two secrets to perfect crispy pork belly that the Chinese discovered*:

  1. Pricking lots of holes in the skin = puffy crackling with bubbles. This is what makes all the difference, yielding that beautiful bubbly crackling that is so unique to Chinese pork belly. The Chinese have a special tool that they use to prick the skin. Me, I have my Basic Instinct moment and use an ice pick. It works remarkably well. But anything that is pointy and sharp will work just fine – for example, metal skewers. And yes, if you find it all too hard, you can skip this pricking step. More on that below in the Easy Non Pricking Method. 🙂 * I credit them for this genius discovery, but I’m not actually sure if they discovered it!

  2. Roast covered in rock salt = crispy crackling. Salt draws moisture to the surface, helping to guarantee you’ll get crispy crackling every single time. And yes, it works whether you do the pricking or not. Again, more on that below. Rock salt is easy to remove and also will not penetrate into the holes while roasting, making the pork far too salty.

The pork belly is first roasted with the salt crust, then the salt crust is removed. At this stage, the skin is rubbery and looks thoroughly unappetising (step 7 above). All it takes to transform the ugly ducking into a crispy golden swan is to stick it under the grill/broiler for 25 minutes. Watch in amazement as it starts to puff and crackle and becomes soo crispy!!!

Pork Belly Marinade

The pork flesh is infused with subtle flavour by marinating it in classic Chinese flavours – Chinese cooking wine (or dry sherry or even Mirin), five spice powder, salt and white pepper. There are some Chinese pork belly recipes “out there” that don’t marinate, but I really think it’s worth the time to do this otherwise the flesh somewhat lacks Chinese flavour (in my humble opinion).



If you don’t have something suitable for or are having troubles pricking the skin, don’t be sad, there is another way to Chinese Crispy Pork Belly heaven! With this alternative method which is virtually foolproof, you can skip pricking the skin and the crackling will still be outrageously crispy, however, it will not have the signature puffy bubbles that Chinese Pork Belly is known for. When you break the crackling, it will snap cleanly rather than partially crumbling which the puffy crackling does (which you can see in the video). The reason this method is foolproof is because with the traditional Chinese method, if you are too enthusiastic with the pricking and pierce too far into the fat (or even worse, into the flesh), the juices will bubble up onto the skin, and the wetness as the skin is being grilled/broiled will cause little splotches where the skin is not super crispy. Doesn’t the crackling using this simple Alternative Method look almost impossibly perfect?? Check out that colour!

How to serve crispy pork belly

This is the typical way to serve it: cut into slices, then each slice cut into smaller pieces. Small pieces is the go here because pork belly is rich!  As for sauce, Chinese pork belly is typically served with mustard. Either your everyday yellow mustard or Hot English Mustard which is my favourite. The kick of fresh heat pairs so well with the richness of the pork belly! I’ve also had it served with white sugar. Just a small dish of everyday white sugar that you dip the pork into. It’s really good. As for sides, because pork belly is rich, I just serve it with plain fresh vegetables. My favourite is cucumber and radish because they’re so fresh and radish also has a kick of spiciness. Plus, they add great colour to the plate, don’t you think?

Chinese Crispy Pork Belly – SUMMARY

I realise there’s a lot of information in the above, so I though it would be useful to finish with a summary. ❤️

Traditional Chinese Crispy Pork Belly has a golden puffy crispy crackling that almost crumbles when you bite into it. It’s complete and utter bliss to experience! To make puffy crackling, you need to prick lots and lots of little holes in the skin. If you accidentally prick too far into the fat under the skin, or even worse, the flesh, this may cause juices to bubble to the surface which may result in some splotches that are not 100% crisp. The Chinese have a special tool to do this. I use an ice pick (aka my Basic Instinct moment?). If pricking the holes seems like too hard work, skip it and opt for the Alternative Easy Non Pricking Method for Crispy Pork Belly The Alternative Easy Non Pricking Method yields a crackling that is a beautiful golden brown that is outrageously crispy but without bubbly crackling. The crackling snaps rather than crumbles like the authentic Crispy Chinese Pork Belly. It is still a stunning crackling that many people dream of. ☺️ This method is very easy with guaranteed crispy crackling, every single time. DO NOT SKIP THE VIDEO!! Just wait until you hear how crispy that crackling is!!

To all crackling lovers out there, this one is for YOU! – Nagi x PS Oh wait, it’s also for Chinese New Year which is tomorrow! ❤️  

Potstickers – steamed dumplings with crispy golden undersides Spring Rolls – better than Egg Rolls! Fried Rice – Chinese takeout standard (no false promises) Chinese BBQ Pork (Char Siu) – just like you get from Chinese BBQ meat shops!  Chinese Steamed Pork Buns – big fluffy white buns filled with BBQ pork Browse all Chinese Recipes and Asian Takeout copycat recipes

Crispy Chinese Pork Belly

Watch how to make it

Don’t watch this on Mute…. you want to hear how crispy that crackling is!!

Originally published January 2017. Entire post refreshed, new photos added, brand new (much better!) video. No change to recipe, though writing was cleaned up a bit.

‘Life of Dozer

I had many, many chances to catch this shot…. he was doing this the whole time I was shooting the pork belly!!

Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 71Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 52Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 37Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 71Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 49Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 79Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 44Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 72Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 18Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 59Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 61Chinese Crispy Pork Belly - 63