When you see how easy this is to make, you won’t ever be tempted to use a shortcut version again. After all, if we’re going to make a chocolate pie, let’s do it right! 🙂

Chocolate Cream Pie

I have serious self control issues around homemade baked goods. I never buy cakes or bars or even muffins in my normal day to day life. I never have. I just never feel the urge. But put any homemade baked good in front of me and it’s all over. Thus, this Chocolate Cream Pie. It was an urgent situation to get it OUT of the house asap, so I did the ring around to find someone to take it off the my hands. It was too dangerous to have lying around in my house!!

This Chocolate Cream Pie tastes like the Chocolate Bavarian pies sold in the freezer section of Aussie supermarkets!

This slice you see in the photos? Inhaled in 2 seconds after the last shot was taken. Inhaled. There is no other way to describe how quickly it disappeared.

Forget Cool Whip

There are tons of shortcut recipes for chocolate pies around on the internet. Whether made with Cool Whip (Australia, we don’t have this and I hope we never do, it’s an artificial thickened “cream” filling), or marshmallows (too sweet for my taste), or a simple ganache filling (which is very dense and very rich), if you do a search you’ll find plenty of versions. For me, I believe that there are some things that should be done right. And if you’re going to make a homemade Chocolate Cream Pie – let’s make the best one we can!

Custard-like Chocolate Filling

oThis pie is all about the filling. That soft, delicate, custard-like chocolate filling. If you want to get real fancy, in actual fact, it’s a creme patissiere. The fancy sounding yet surprisingly simple French custard that you see contestants in reality cooking shows frantically stressing about making silky smooth and thick, rather than gritty and runny. I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. It’s not hard to make. Not if you follow the very few simple steps required to make it! And I’ve made a little video for you so you can see how easy it truly is. 🙂 Oops. I spy an unmelted bit of chocolate in the pour shot below. 😂 See, I’m just a normal person in the kitchen. Chubby little Baby Hands and making mistakes all the time! 🙂

I like making Chocolate Cream Pie with an Oreo Cookie pie crust. Made with crushed Oreo cookies, there’s terrific texture contrast with the creamy filling and an extra hit of chocolate! The Oreo Cookie Crust holds together when sliced (see video and photos) but it crumbles a bit as you start eating it which makes the whole eating experience even better…. Because imagine this: A big mouthful of rich, smooth, chocolatey filling with clouds of fluffy cream PLUS little bits of crumbled Oreo cookie….. It’s just perfection!  – Nagi xx


Chocolate Cream Pie recipe video! Nice close up of Baby Hands in this one – no laughing! PS Base cooking time in video says 15 minutes, IGNORE this, follow recipe that says 10 minutes.


Not just food photos that Dozer photobombs….. This is a magnificent sun rise we had earlier this week. Once a year thing. Pretty, isn’t it? PS What’s with the word “magnificent” today?? I can’t stop.

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