I haven’t posted a hot smoothie recipe in ages! It’s still far too cold for icy green smoothies, so I like to change it up and try different types of warm smoothie recipes! Apart from this slightly spicy and chocolaty Mexican Hot Chocolate Breakfast Smoothie, a couple of my favourites are the apple, elderflower and pomegranate hot smoothie, and the oaty mocha hot smoothie! The former being a lovely fruity, warm smoothie with the tangy-ness of those juicy fruits, the latter being a cosy, warming, creamy concoction with a little caffeine hit to get you moving!

It’s so easy to add lots of nutritious ingredients into these smoothies. So long as you follow the golden rules of going with either a fruity-juicy combo or a creamy-oaty combo (never mix the two - bleurgh!) you can’t go far wrong. For the fruity ones, go with apples, oranges, pears and berries. Use herbal tea or a fruit presse mixed with water for the liquid part. For the creamy ones, try banana, chocolate, oats and nuts. Use milk for the liquid part - regular milk, or nut milks work great! Ingredients such a chia seeds, maca powder, wheatgrass powder and flaxseed can be added to both types. Try it for breakfast - it definately wakes up those tastebuds!  If you do give this smoothie a go, please read the warning below first about hot liquids and smoothie makers.

Warning: Don’t fill your smoothie maker up with hot liquid.  It’s either going to shatter the glass (if you have a glass jug) or it’s going to come wushing out with a tonne of pressure when you open the lid after whizzing things up.  Check your smoothie maker or blender can take warm or hot liquids.  This recipe calls for a little of the warm milk to be added the other ingredients along with cold water before blending. The rest of the warm milk is added after blending.

The Mexican Hot Chocolate Breakfast Smoothie Recipe:


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